science communication & outreach


Collaborate with us

  • Our mission is to bring science conversations to life by shining a spotlight on the awesome researchers behind discoveries. Talk to us if you are a researcher looking for a feature or to voice an academic issue.

  • Just like it takes a village to raise a child, we believe it takes a community to present science effectively. We cover scientific meetings, outreach events, and conversations on science communication.

  • We provide platforms for teachers and workshop organizers to conduct workshops with us on science writing, research skill training, and science communication. Contact us to discuss more.

  • If you are a science writer looking for a freelance opportunity to write for The Experimentalist, get in touch.

  • If you are a creative artist or science storyteller and would like to participate in Art X Science Conversations brainstorming sessions along with Emerging Creatives of Science, write to us.


Events & Outreach

Equity in STEM Webinar

Open Innovation in Life Sciences Zurich 2024

Pint of Science, Zurich 2023